Saturday, February 11, 2012

The ugly, sparkly, pantsuit

I love the ugly, sparkly pantsuit. 
The ugly, sparkly, pantsuit can make anyone look like Angie Dickinson, Eva Gabor or any guest star on the first season of Columbo. Trust me I know. My looks resemble that of a young Melissa Gilbert during her hey-day on “Little House on the Prairie” (before Almonzo) but when I put on the ugly, sparkly pantsuit, I become transformed into a much, much, much, MUCH shorter Cher (the Cher when she was with the late, great Sonny Bono - may he rest in peace).

Look at all of these!! I have 6 so far! Aren't they totally fantastic! Don’t they make you wanna run out and grab a cocktail made with brown liquor? 

1 comment:

  1. my baby has a blog...I am all choked up...but I love it...cocktails with brown liquor and guys who were Old Spice. this is good.
